Last updated: 30 October 2023.

This privacy policy documents the data we collect and our uses for it.

Data You Provide Us

Registration may be required to access parts of the website, such as to access your account. To register an account on the website you will need to provide data, such as your email address, username, etc.

For communication with us via the website, such as contacting us via a contact form, you will need to provide data, such as an email address, so we can respond to you.

To make an online or offline payment to us, you will need to provide data, such as contact, payment, billing/shipping information, etc.

To post content on the website, such as comment on a blog post, you will need to provide data, such as your email address, comment, etc. If you are logged in the data used is as previously provided on your account.

The data you provide to us maybe stored for functionality, communicaton and/or processing purposes. We periodically review this data with a view to removing any data which has no future use.

Data We Collect

While browsing the website we may collect data about you, the device you are using and/or your activity – some of this data is required for the website to function, some is not required for the website to function and therefore is only collected if you have given your consent. For details of the data collected and the purposes for collecting it, see the information below.


Cookies are stored on your computer, most websites use cookies to hold data specific to you and the website.

Upon visiting the website for the first time you can consent to the cookies you wish to be set, you can opt out at any time by using the cookie button bottom left.

Data We May Share

We may share your data with others in some circumstances:

  1. We need to share your data as required by law
  2. We need to share your data to our employees or contractors to assist us in providing information/communication or a product/service to you
  3. We need to share your data to a third party data management service to assist us in managing/processing your data

We do not sell your data.


We use industry standard techniques to protect your data including the use of secure protocols to encrypt data.

For online payments, your payment is processed via our online payment processor, we do not have any visibility of your full credit or debit card data.

For offline payments, such as bank transfer or phone payments, please contact us with any privacy queries before attempting to make payment and our data controller can assist you further.

If we are aware of any security breach which affects you in any way we will notify you and update you with actions taken.


We regularly review and update our privacy policy to ensure the information is up to date and you are fully aware of our commitments to privacy.

We recommend checking this page for changes regularly. Use of this website after any changes is considered an acceptance of the changes.

Questions and Requests

If you have any questions or if you would like us to provide, amend or remove any personal data we may hold on you then please contact us and our data controller can assist you further.